Scotland on Film

Print-only magazine showing the best of Scotland through film photography


Wow, a real printed magazine!

Yes. On very thick paper.


Because we’re all bored of scrolling, bored of staring at our screens, and bored of gone-in-a-second instant gratification which leaves a searing emptiness in our souls.

That was deep


So how do I get a copy of this magazine?

All you have to do is buy a subscription

Is there a digital version?



Because that would ruin the fun. 

When will I receive my first copy?

In the fulness of time. Everyone who is on the paid subscriber list at the end of the month will receive that month’s issue.

How do I stay up-to-date?

Once you’ve subscribed, you won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the magazine goes directly to your letterbox. And the occasional email will land in your inbox.

You can also subscribe to Scotland on Film on Substack for updates on the magazine’s progress